To be certified and maintain certification every year as a Virginia Master Naturalist, volunteers are required to complete 8 hours of continuing education and 40 hours of volunteer work. Here are some great opportunities
Next Board meeting Thursday 3/7 @ Wegman’s 7 pm (open to all members)
Next Chapter meeting Tuesday 3/19 @ church 7 pm
Master Naturalist Volunteer Opportunities:
- 3/9/19: Mott's Nature Center Volunteer Orientation - 9-11 am. Register with Alexa at Fredericksburg Parks and Rec.
- 3/22/19: Friends of the Rappahannock - Rappahannock County Tree Planting Project 9:30 - 1 pm, volunteers needed to plan trees, sign up at Friends of the Rappahannock Events page
- 4/1/19: Homeschool Day at Montpelier (Orange County) - volunteers needed for "Noticing Nature Table and Walks" contact Madelyn from CRVMN
- 4/2/19: Tri-County Aspen Grove Meaningful Watershed Educational Field Day (Rain Date April 4th - contact Mariya at TriCounty Water
- 4/6/19: Spring Forest Stroll at Montpelier (Orange County) - volunteers needed to answer questions during the walk
- 4/13/19: Osprey Festival @ Caledon State Park. Opportunities to volunteer to give talking points/lead bird walk, native plant information, backyard habitat. Chapter can have a booth there. Caledon is coordinating event with Joyce from Colonial Beach.
- 4/22/19: Earth Day at AP Hill volunteers needed Dahlgren has asked that an Earth Day education outreach take place on April 22 at the elementary school on base. It will be from 1-3 pm. Volunteers needed.
- 4/27/19: Earth Day at Old Mill Park on, rain or shine - volunteers needed
- 4/27/19: Earth Day in Orange, VA - volunteers needed - contact Dena from CRVMN
- 5/18/19: Eco Rodeo at Montpelier (Orange County) - volunteers needed for "Noticing Nature Table and Forest Walks" contact Madelyn from CRVMN
- Widewater State Park looking for volunteers for monthly cleanups
- March Saturdays noon-2 pm - Salamander Survey at Jennings Farm - contact Dena with CRVMN
Continuing Education:
- 3/9/19: VA Native Plant Society Winter Workshop - Our Changing Forests: Forest Health, Management and Restoration
- 3/23/19: Friends of the Rappahannock Wild and Scenic Film Festival @ UMW.
- 4/11-12/19: Spring Wildflower Identification Workshop - Blandy Experimental Farm
- 4/13/19: Garden Symposium: Wild about Natives 8:30 - 3:30 pm at Belmont in Falmouth
- 4/27/18: Montpelier - Orange County, VA - Native Plants and Animals in Harmony Exploration Walk - includes walk through the Landmark Forest
- Ongoing - VA Master Naturalists Webinars - Next March 28th on Maple Syrup Productions